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NewOaks AI 


NewOaks AI Chatbot is a cutting-edge AI-powered platform designed to transform how businesses interact with customers and manage operations. With specialized text SMS services, advanced calendar integration for conversational appointments, and CRM integration capabilities, NewOaks AI offers unparalleled features to meet the diverse needs of modern businesses.

Say goodbye to low lead conversion rates, high customer service costs, and delays in scheduling appointments. NewOaks AI Chatbot resolves 80% of customer inquiries instantly, converts leads into appointments across multiple channels including Text SMS, Chat Bubble on websites, and Social Media, and cuts customer service costs by up to 50%.

But that’s not all. NewOaks AI Chatbot offers one-click multi-source training for AI customization, seamless integration across SMS, social media, and web chat platforms, live chat capability on both mobile and desktop, and advanced CRM integration for dynamic, real-time client interactions.

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